Saturday, August 20, 2011

Interview #15: All For Nothing

I finally got a new interview for you guys!
This time i hooked up one of my favorite Hardcore bands, since i visited the "Ultimate Summerblast Festival" in Trier/Germany. This was the first time i heard of them, sadly. But i totally fall in love with these guys.

So here we go, an interview with ALL FOR NOTHING!

How came the idea to start a hardcore band?
Mid puberty when everything sucked, school was a drag, girls unreachable and disco for assholes. We had a lot of questions just like everybody growing up and playing music/ hardcore provided us with a healthy outlet for frustration, anger etc. Cindy joined us in 2005, before that Ernst did the vocals and played guitar. We’ve been in this line up since late 2007.

You guys actually play a mixture of hardcore, flavored by metal and punk, does it has any reason for it?
Our band consists our of five people. Who have five different views en preferences for music. We all love hardcore in the first place, but we also bring in some other music styles.
We don’t want to commit to just one style.

Are there any bands that influenced your sound?
The are so many bands that inspired us in general. Even non-hardcore bands. When it comes to hardcore bands, we love the Bad Brains, Black Flag, Cro-mags, Warzone, Madball, Sick of it All and many many more.

What does the name "All For Nothing" stand for?
The name came up when we were brainstorming on a name to pick. It’s also a song by the bands Run Devil Run and DRI. It has no special meaning.

Which message do you guys spread with your music?
We write songs about thing we experience in our lives. No matter how deep you can fall, we always believe in the positive side of life and the strenght that lies within. We want people to think about certain subjects but we don’t want to force our opinions. We believe in an world for everyone without fascism, ssexism and discrimination.

Do you guys listen to your own music?
Not that much, only when we write new songs.

Tell us what Hardcore exactly means to you.
In the first place it’s about the music and the message. Hardcore to us is friendship, a way to meet different people around the globe, hear different stories and see many great places.

Which bands are your personal favorites?
In the van we have an Cassette tape that goes into stereo, it has a Ipod Connector at the end. Our Ipods make turns. What you can expect ( Next to the “usual” hardcore): Pantera, Mastodon, Social Distortion, Johnny Cash, Distillers, Rancid, Foo Fighters, Wu-tang-Clan, Janis Joplin, Henry Rollins spokenword session and some chill out tunes. The Odd thing may be Julee Cruise and Frank Zappa.

Where do you get your inspirations and ideas for your lyrics?
I write lyrics based on things I experience in my life, or see around me happen.

What are your interests beside the band?Do you guys just do the band or do you work/go to school/study?
We all work next to this band. Bas owns a driving school, Cindy works as a social worker, Ernst-Jan is a Graphic Designer, Ab is an Optometrist and Richard works as an IT specialist.

Do you guys have played in other bands before?
Yes, we all played in other bands.

What do you guys think about stereotype thinking / scenes?
It’s sad to see how some people claim to be really intelligent and have opinions about thing they know nothing about. Stop bitching and moaning, start being open minded and you will be surprised.

What do you think about underground bands?
Great, we love checking out new bands and get blown away.

What do you guys think about fans, that cover your songs on guitar, drums, vocals, etc?
It’s the biggest compliment we could get!

Are there any things coming up? News about new releases, new merch or planned tours?
We are currently looking for a new drummer. Richard decided to leave AFN in good terms. After we find a new drummer, we are going to record a new album and hopefully hit South East Asia.

Have you guys ever thought of going into hiatus?
No, we are young and we want to do this now.

Would you like to suggest me some bands i should check out?
Risk It, Go For It and Bitter Verses from Germany.

What was your sickest show?
Any show at the Sucks ‘n Summer fest.

Which bands would you like to tour with and how would your favorite tour look like?
We don’t really care, big or small bands as long as we have fun it’s cool.

Any messages left to fans, friends or family?
Please check us out when we come near your area! Thanks!


A big thanks to Cindy, for taking the time for it and also for signing my merch!
You guys are awesome and you should never stop making music!