Saturday, August 20, 2011

Preview #9: Sea Smile

Album: TBA
Artist: Sea Smile
Year: 2011
Origin: São Paulo/Brazil 
Genre: Metalcore/Post-Hardcore

My friends Sea Smile, from Brazil finally announced to enter the studios, to record their first CD.
On their Facebook, they posted this:

"Sea Smile for us in the beginning, was just a simple project, without any hope. Today it has become great in our eyes and began to be a very important priority in our lives, bringing us the fun and joy of doing what we love is obviously music. Of course, with our effort and desire to be better each day, this "joke" became serious, with responsibilities and proportions'd find that they could never be achieved. Well, as everyone knows, our first EP, "Nossos Planos", was released on February 18, 2011, and with only seven months of EP, we are ready to enter the second time in the studio to record our first CD. Yeeeesss; a CD. What led us to this decision was a good public acceptance of our EP, which earned good reviews and a large mass of fans that follow the band. Regardless of friendship, people who care about our sound and come with the band, helping here and there, and listening every day, and with all the affection, the least we can do is thank you and do something much better. The other reason is: We love our music, it was a great job producing these six songs, but are not yet on a level of professional quality. Of course, no excuse, but this was the first time four of us went into a studio recording of this size (only Eric had already participated in other bands), then thought it was already full. Now connoisseurs, studies, research and a lot of training, we know what we really want this for our next work, focusing on quality and professionalism. We are not trying to be more than anyone but we want to overcome our increasing expectations, and that for now only depends on us, but we need everyone's help who really enjoy the band, helping in the dissemination and display of the band for the impact is greater. Day 24 September 2011 will begin recording our CD (yet unnamed) that will feature nine songs + 1 bonus track and with this CD, will lead automatically complete our material: Merch, photos promos, new layouts, wallpaper and if everything goes well, physical CDs. We do not have a date for the launch, because only when we feel it provides: "This is our evolution that everyone needs to see." On launch day we will announce another new development, which for us will be another step of this journey and we are sure of who you really expect all this, you will enjoy the novelty. Let all know by means of updates on youtube, so they can monitor this process. We apologize for at this moment no more than words, but soon it becomes something concrete, for those who believe without seeing, both because a tree does not spring from nothing, without first being a small seed. Sorry if qlqr error Portuguese or typing. Believe it, because you do not lose by waiting! "WE ARE THE SEA SMILE"

Erick Henrique, Leonardo, Emerson, Eric."

So be fucking stoked as i am!
