Thursday, August 11, 2011

Promotion #18: Welcome Karen

Origin: Germany
Genre: German Metalcore
For fans of: Narziss, meinestundenull

For those who don't understand the German language and yet like, Callejon or We Butter The Bread With Butter... Fucking check out these Dudes!

Welcome Karen are a german singing Metalcore band but they are coming up with a complete different and fresher sound than, many Metalcore bands have. These guys try to keep the good old Sound of the genre without coming from their path and vary it in their own way with their melodic and heavy touch!
Seriously worth a listen. 

This is what I personally call Germany's Finest Metal, or better Germany's Next Top Metalcore! 
 Over the years, listening to them, these guys randomly found my page on Facebook and hit me up! 

So check out my favorite songs by them, and like them on Facebook!

Welcome Karen - Suizid, taken from their Self Titled EP (2009)

Welcome Karen - Kurtisane, taken from their new EP "Existenz" (2011)

Welcome Karen - Dryade, taken from their first EP "Was es heißt unterzugehen" (2008)

Seriously check these guys out! ♥